Donor: | ENABEL |
Application procedure: | Concept Note |
Donor base: | Belgium |
Reference number: | PSE22002-10014 |
Eligible applicants: | Non-Profit Organisation |
Deadline: | 26.03.2023 |
Financial details
Grant size: | Medium - up to $1,000,000 |
Minimum grant size: | - |
Total available budget: | 300.000€ |
Funding type: | Grants |
Maximum grant size: | 300.000€ |
Funding ratio: | up to 100% |
- Capacity Building
- Children & Youth
- Human Rights
Project Locations
Palestine, West Bank and Gaza
1) Objective
The General Objective of this Call for Proposals is to contribute to the protection of vulnerable boys and girls, young women and men, and their caregivers against human rights violations and empower them to claim their rights.
The Specific Objectives of this Call for Proposals are for implementing partners to:
• Strengthened role of young people in identifying and speaking up against various forms of human rights violations.
• Improved processing of complaints by the duty bearers by providing feedback, entering in a dialogue with the youth, and taking adequate actions responding to youth’s complaints to better abide by their international obligations.
2) Eligibility
In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be a non-profit private entity or a foundation; and (3) be established in Palestine.
3) Location
Actions must take place in Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem.
4) Budget
The total indicative amount available under this Call for Proposals is 300,000€. The contracting authority reserves the right not to award all the available funds. Any grant application under this Call for Proposals must utilize the full amount of the call.
5) Application
The deadline for submission of concept notes is 16 February 2023.