
Donor: U.S. Mission to Papua New Guinea
Application procedure: Full Proposal
Donor base: United States
Reference number: DOSPNG-23-GR-003
Eligible applicants: Individual, Non-Profit Organisation
Deadline: 15.07.2023

Financial details

Grant size: Medium - up to $1,000,000
Minimum grant size: 50.000$
Total available budget: 250.000$
Funding type: Grants
Maximum grant size: 250.000$
Funding ratio: up to 100%


  • Children & Youth
  • Education
  • Governance & Democracy

Project Locations

  1. Pacific

      Papua New Guinea


1) Objective

The objective of the project is to:
· Engage at least 4,000 youth in Hela and Morobe Provinces over three years in a long-term (at least six month) program that teaches young adults the basics of PNG’s constitution and legal system.
· Youth learn the ability to interpret the constitution and draft basic laws.
· Youth improve their ability to debate, reason, and compromise.
· Successful participants are given the opportunity take the program to other communities.
· Youth have a better understanding of the American constitution and the U.S. federal and state framework.
· Youth have a better understanding of the role of the legislative and judicial system, have better access to local and national government officials, and are advocates of PNG’s constitutional framework.
· The most active participants are given the opportunity to take part in broader youth legislative programs (such as national youth parliament programs in Port Moresby or model UN programs in the United States).
· Participants create their own preamble to the youth constitution in Tok Pisin.
· Participants create a written or recorded playbook of legislative best practices for future parliamentarians.

The project proposal must clearly state how the project beneficiaries (applicants) will be selected, the mode of training and activities, how the project implementer will deliver the proposed curriculum, a sample curriculum, and a clear timeline for implementation. The implementing partner should aim at selecting at least 2,000 participants per province. The following criteria must be met by the participants to be considered for this program:
• Young adults between 15-25 years of age;
• In good social standing;
• Demonstrated leadership and commitment to public service.

2) Eligibility

This funding is available to Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education; Individuals; Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education and others.

3) Location

Action must be implemented in Papua New Guinea. Project activities may take place in Hela and/or Morobe Provinces.

4) Budget

Amounts may range from $50,000-$250,000. They are planning to issue two awards.

5) Application

The application deadline is 15 July 2023.

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