Donor: | Australian Embassy in Vietnam |
Application procedure: | Full Proposal, Online Application |
Donor base: | Australia |
Reference number: | - |
Eligible applicants: | Non-Profit Organisation |
Deadline: | 31.07.2018 |
Financial details
Grant size: | Small - up to $100,000 |
Minimum grant size: | - |
Total available budget: | - |
Funding type: | Grants |
Maximum grant size: | 45.100$ |
Funding ratio: | up to 100% |
- Agriculture & Rural Development
- Children & Youth
- Climate Change
- Disability
- Economic Development
- Education
- Energy
- Environment & Natural Resources
- Food Security
- Humanitarian Aid
- Peace & Conflict Resolution
- Social Inclusion
- Water & Sanitation
- Women & Gender
Project Locations
1) Objective
On 1 July, the Australian Embassy in Ha Noi opened applications for the Australian Government’s Direct Aid Program (DAP) grant round 2018-19, for projects in northern Vietnam which covers provinces north of, and including, Thua Thien Hue province. In the year 2018-19 Ha Noi DAP will prioritise higher value projects, and projects which take an innovative approach to a longstanding development challenge. DAP in Northern Vietnam is an extremely competitive program. Applications must meet the requirements detailed in the DAP Guidelines, and comply with the requirements in the application form. Attention will be given to projects providing direct benefits to those most in need in the local community, including vulnerable or disadvantaged groups, women, children and youth. Projects should address gender issues in their implementation. DAP projects should be aimed primarily at achieving practical and tangible outcomes, such as on poverty alleviation, community health; schools/education; small-scale infrastructure; rural development; gender equality, environmental benefits including managing or adapting to climate change and ad hoc humanitarian relief.
2) Eligibility
Eligible are NGOs, community groups and other not-for-profit entities.
3) Location
Actions must take place in northern Vietnam.
4) Budget
Small grants of up to AU$60,000 are available to NGOs, community groups and other not-for-profit entities to undertake small-scale development projects focusing on the economic empowerment of disadvantaged communities and groups.
5) Application
Applicants can choose to fill in an application form online either in Vietnamese or English. The deadline for submitting applications is 31 July 2018.