Donor: | Fondation Ensemble |
Application procedure: | Concept Note |
Donor base: | France |
Reference number: | - |
Eligible applicants: | Non-Profit Organisation |
Deadline: | 01.02.2022 |
Financial details
Grant size: | Small - up to $100,000 |
Minimum grant size: | 10.000€ |
Total available budget: | - |
Funding type: | Grants |
Maximum grant size: | 50.000€ |
Funding ratio: | up to 50% |
- Agriculture & Rural Development
- Animal Welfare
- Capacity Building
- Climate Change
- Economic Development
- Education
- Energy
- Environment & Natural Resources
- Food Security
- Research, Technology & Innovation
- Water & Sanitation
Project Locations
Ecuador, Peru
Laos, Myanmar
1) Objective
Fondation Ensemble is a private, state-approved Foundation, set up in 2004 by Gérard Brémond and his wife, Jacqueline Délia Brémond. It aims to bring concrete and sustainable improvements to the target communities’ living conditions (social and economic impacts) while protecting and/or rehabilitating the environment (environmental impacts). Since it was set up in 2004, the Foundation has funded over 200 projects throughout the world.
They focus on: (1) sustainable agriculture: i.e. development of good farming practices, capacity building for representative bodies or scaling up through a serious implication of local and/or national authorities, and support and advocacy actions to promote policies favorable to the replication of these sustainable approaches; (2) sustainable fishing: i.e. 1. selective fishing, combating illegal fishing and management of related conflicts, setting up protected areas (delineation of fishing areas, regulations on net size, minimum fish size requirements, use of non-polluting fishing vessels, etc.) and involving local communities in the management of such protected areas; (3) biodiversity conservation: i.e. protection and rehabilitation of particular ecosystems on the grounds of their rich biodiversity or other environmental or human significance, protection of animal and plant species, including combating poaching and trafficking or greenhouse gas mitigation and/or adaptation to climate change; and (4) sustainable technologies: i.e. access to renewable energy, reduction in consumption of non-renewable or expensive fuels, use of agricultural, animal or human waste for energy production.
2) Eligibility
The Foundation can provide funding to any non-profit organisation engaged in projects implementation in is focus sectors, therefore NGOs are eligible as well as associations, operating Foundations, research institutes and local authorities. NGOs must have been in existence for at least three (full) years and have an annual budget of at least €500,000.
3) Location
The project activities must be undertaken in one of the Foundation’s focus countries: Ecuador, Peru, Mozambique, Laos and Myanmar. Cambodia is no longer eligible. Coastal zones of Madagascar are now eligible, but only for sustainable fishing and biodiversity conservation projects.
4) Budget
The funding requested should not exceed €50,000 per year and the funding requested shall not exceed 50% of the total project budget.
5) Application
The Foundation publishes a call for proposals once a year in December with submission deadline in early February. First a three page concept note needs to be submitted and if accepted a full proposal needs to be developed. Contracting and grant signature is done around November. They also have a special fund for small grants projects for threatened animal species. The deadline for submission is usually in February and the grant signature is done in June.