
Donor: Pro Victimis Foundation (PVF)
Application procedure: Letter of Inquiry
Donor base: Switzerland
Reference number: -
Eligible applicants: Non-Profit Organisation
Deadline: ongoing

Financial details

Grant size: Small - up to $100,000
Minimum grant size: -
Total available budget: -
Funding type: Grants
Maximum grant size: -
Funding ratio: Co-funding preferred


  • Capacity Building
  • Disability
  • Governance & Democracy
  • Human Rights
  • Social Inclusion
  • Women & Gender

Project Locations

  1. Africa

      Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Uganda

  2. America


  3. Asia

      Bangladesh, Iraq, Laos, Lebanon, Myanmar, Nepal, Yemen


1) Objective 

The Foundation primarily supports the victims of forgotten or unrecognized disasters (extreme forms of exploitation, chronic consequences of armed conflict, natural or industrial disasters, etc.). Pro Victimis gives priority to three program areas:

  • Gender based violence: Violence against women / girls, Sexual violence against men / boys, Abuse and violence against minors, Violence against LGBTIQ minorities
  • Disability: Diseases / debilitating syndromes, Stigma, exclusions
  • Violations of fundamental rights: Crime against humanity, genocide, torture, Land grabbing, ethnic minorities rights, Human trafficking, modern slavery, Natural disasters

They support:

  • Medical, psychosocial and economic rehabilitation for self-reconstruction
  • Work with perpetrators of GBVs
  • Prevention and education for a change of mentality
  • Combating stigmatization
  • Building local capacity
  • Accessibility and integration of people living with a physical and / or mental handicap
  • Combating the effects of disabling diseases / syndromes (e.g. fistula, epilepsy, etc.)
  • Strengthening legislation and law enforcement
  • The fight against denial and impunity

2) Eligibility

Non-profit organisations are eligible to apply. Organisations must have an annual organizational budget of less than CHF 10 million.

3) Location

They work in 14 countries in Asia (Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Iraq, Lebanon, Laos, Yemen), Africa (Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Somalia, Rwanda, Uganda, Sierra Leone) and Central America (Guatemala).

4) Budget 

There is no specified range of funding, as the amount of their contribution always depends on the project’s characteristics, needs and quality. Co-financing is generally preferred.

5) Application 

Applicants can send their documents all year round. The ‘project identification fiche’ can be downloaded from their website. It must be accompanied by an introductory letter which presents: (1) the applicant organisation; (2) the project description and (3) financial information about the project and the applicant organisation. Documents may be submitted in English or French. The Foundation generally replies within six weeks of receiving a Letter of Inquiry. If successful, a full proposal can be prepared.

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