Donor: | Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) |
Application procedure: | Full Proposal |
Donor base: | United Kingdom, United States |
Reference number: | - |
Eligible applicants: | Non-Profit Organisation |
Deadline: | ongoing |
Financial details
Grant size: | Small - up to $100,000 |
Minimum grant size: | - |
Total available budget: | - |
Funding type: | Grants |
Maximum grant size: | 5.500$ |
Funding ratio: | up to 100% |
- Agriculture & Rural Development
- Economic Development
- Education
- Environment & Natural Resources
- Food Security
- Other
- Women & Gender
Project Locations
Kenya, Sierra Leone
1) Objective
The Christian-based Right Sharing of World Resources is a Quaker micro-credit organisation that supports grassroots income-generating projects in developing countries, led by women, many of whom are making less than a dollar a day. RSWR has two main programmatic goals: (1) grants for women in the developing world to begin small income-generating businesses so that they may help themselves and their families out of poverty; and (2) help Quakers in the United States learn about the negative effects of poverty in the developing world and the negative effects of materialism in North America.
Priority is given to the following key areas: (1) community development; (2) economic development/income generation; (3) women and gender; (4) food security and (5) agriculture and rural development. RSWR supports income-generating, self-employment projects for poor women who are members of a self help group. The project must include a revolving loan component. They believe that small scale income-generating projects offer a means of establishing self sufficiency to very poor people. By requiring that the project include a revolving loan program, they can multiple the impact of the grant as the funds are revolved many times to many different women within the community.
2) Eligibility
Eligible for funding are small grassroots organisations who are working to empower women through income-generating projects (NGOs must be less than 20 years old and have annual budgets of less than $16,500).
3) Location
Actions must take place in India, Kenya and Sierra Leone.
4) Budget
Individual grant sizes are up to $5,500 per year, for a maximum of 5 years. Projects are funded one year at a time. Please note: at least 60% for seed money, no more than 20% for staff, no more than 15% for training, no more than 5% for travel, no more than 15% for administration.
5) Application
The organisation works with the assistance of field representatives in Kenya, Sierra Leone and South India. These representatives invite groups from their areas to prepare and send proposals requesting seed money to begin a micro-enterprise program. Proposals must include a clear description of an income-generating activity which will improve the quality of life for project participants (incl. number of participants, anticipated income, loan repayment strategy and plan, and exit strategy). There are two funding cycles with deadlines on June 30 and December 31. The organisation’s board of trustees meets twice a year to make funding decisions. Proposals should be sent by email to the address given on the website.