
Donor: Arcus Foundation
Application procedure: Online Application
Donor base: United States
Reference number: -
Eligible applicants: Non-Profit Organisation
Deadline: ongoing

Financial details

Grant size: Medium - up to $1,000,000
Minimum grant size: 200.000$
Total available budget: 10.000.000$
Funding type: Grants
Maximum grant size: -
Funding ratio: up to 100%


  • Animal Welfare
  • Capacity Building
  • Environment & Natural Resources

Project Locations

  1. Africa

      Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda

  2. Asia

      Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam


1) Objective

The Arcus Foundation is a leading global foundation dedicated to the idea that people can live in harmony with one another and the natural world. Arcus believes that respect for diversity among peoples and in nature is essential to a positive future for our planet and all its inhabitants.

The ultimate goal of the Great Apes & Gibbons Program is to achieve conservation and respect for the great and small apes (including bonobos, chimpanzees, gibbons, gorillas, and orangutans). This is accomplished by ensuring that resilient populations of great apes and gibbons are protected from extinction and living in habitats that are governed in a sustainable, just, and holistic manner; and that apes in captivity are cared for in accredited sanctuaries and are not exploited for entertainment or invasive research.

2) Eligibility

Non-profit organisations are eligible to apply. They do not make grants to individuals, or for scholarships, lobbying purposes, political campaigns, film production, or medical research. They require all organizations seeking funding to have in place a board-approved Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy that specifically includes and lists sexual orientation and gender identity, and requires compliance with all other applicable federal and local EEO laws.

3) Location

Arcus Foundation works in 18 countries in Asia and Africa (i.e. Kenya, Uganda, Indonesia etc.).

4) Budget

On average they fund about 50 projects per year ($200,000 average grant size per project) with a yearly grant budget of app. $10 million. Budgets can include costs for: general operating support, project support for specific programs, public policy advocacy/organizing campaigns, public policy research/dissemination, capital projects, capacity building and multi-year support.

5) Application

The application involves three steps: (1) Submit an Initial Funding Concept (IFC) – The first step in submitting an initial request for funding or a concept is to use the online system. Once received, it will be directed to the appropriate program staff for review and one can expect to hear from them within 3-4 weeks; (2) Submission of a Letter of Inquiry and full Proposal – If the applicant organization’s work aligns with their values, strategic priorities and EEO requirement, the organization could be invited to submit a Letter of Inquiry, and a subsequent full Proposal; and (3) Proposal review and funding determination – The LOI and Proposal review may include program officers, directors, vice presidents, the Executive Director and the Board of Trustees. There are no deadlines.

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