
Donor: European Commission (EC) - International Partnerships (IP)
Application procedure: Concept Note
Donor base: Belgium
Reference number: EuropeAid/177993/DD/ACT/ZM
Eligible applicants: Non-Profit Organisation, Social Business
Deadline: 07.11.2023

Financial details

Grant size: Large - more than $1,000,000
Minimum grant size: 22.700.000€
Total available budget: 22.700.000€
Funding type: Grants
Maximum grant size: 22.700.000€
Funding ratio: up to 100%


  • Capacity Building
  • Economic Development
  • Research, Technology & Innovation

Project Locations

  1. Africa



1) Objective

The overall objective of this call for proposals is to promote the green and sustainable growth and an environmentally sound, gender/youth sensitive and economically viable diversification of the economy. The specific objective of this call for proposals is: to support the creation and consolidation of MSMEs and start-up companies, particularly created or/and managed by women and young entrepreneurs, in sectors outside the agriculture, forestry, and biodiversity nexus, which invest in green, circular, climate smart and digital business solutions and that create decent jobs along sustainable value chains for goods and services in Zambia.

The priorities of this call for proposal are:
1. Improving formalisation, competences, management of MSME with growth potential, particularly those led by women and young entrepreneurs, and increasing access to finance to improve product quality, product diversification and green and circular economy. It is expected that the above will lead to MSMEs consolidation and diversification into high growth sectors and green and circular economy value chains; increased enterprises competiveness and market penetration; and decent job creation. This will be achieved through financial support to third parties (FSTP) and technical assistance (TA), including training and mentoring.
2. Improving and expanding the MSME support service offer by the Zambian business and financial service providers. This will be achieved through FSTP and TA to Business Development Services (BDSP), including incubators and innovation hubs, and to local impact and venture capital institutions.
3. Supporting innovation and commercialisation of emerging technologies, particularly those supporting diversification and greener and circular business models. This will be achieved through TA for establishing innovation financing mechanisms, through purchase of equipment for the establishment of at least one new fabrication laboratory (“FabLab”) and through FSTP to innovation projects.

2) Eligibility

In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must: (1) be a legal person and (2) be non-profit-making and (3) be a specific type of organisation such as: i) non-governmental organisations; ii) public sector entities; iii) private sector entities; iv) civil society organisations or; v) international (inter-governmental) organisation as defined by Article 156 of the EU Financial Regulation and (4) be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action with the co-applicant(s) and affiliated entity(ies), not acting as an intermediary.

3) Location

Actions must take place in Zambia.

4) Budget

The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is €22,700,000. Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the minimum €22,700,000 and maximum €22,700,000. Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between the minimum (90%) and maximum (100%) percentage of total eligible costs of the action.

5) Application

The concept note together with the declaration by the lead applicant must be submitted online via PROSPECT. The deadline for the submission is 7 November 2023.

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