Donor: | IUCN |
Application procedure: | Full Proposal |
Donor base: | United States |
Reference number: | - |
Eligible applicants: | Non-Profit Organisation |
Deadline: | 17.11.2024 |
Financial details
Grant size: | Small - up to $100,000 |
Minimum grant size: | - |
Total available budget: | - |
Funding type: | Grants |
Maximum grant size: | 20.000$ |
Funding ratio: | up to 100% |
- Agriculture & Rural Development
- Climate Change
- Environment & Natural Resources
- Media & Journalism
Project Locations
1) Objective
Proposals should address the theme of biodiversity conservation, sustainable livelihoods, waste management, and/or the strengthening of civil society organisations working in these thematic areas. Illustrative project activities include but are not restricted to the following:
- Biodiversity Conservation: Species conservation; community managed protected areas; participatory management of protected areas; environmental education; and awareness raising.
- Sustainable Livelihoods: Non-timber forest product management and marketing; community fisheries; and ecotourism.
- Waste Management: Pollution control; clean water initiatives; and solid waste management.
- Strengthening civil society: Media training and capacity building of civil society organisations (training, operational costs etc.) working on biodiversity conservation, sustainable livelihoods and/or waste management.
2) Eligibility
NGOs and CSOs that are registered and headquartered in Lao PDR are eligible to apply. NGOs and CSOs that are registered and headquartered abroad are also eligible to apply, so long as they work only in Lao PDR and do not have activities in other countries. No geographical restrictions apply as long as the project is implemented in Lao PDR.
3) Location
Actions must take place in Laos.
4) Budget
Applicants can apply for up to US$20,000 per proposal. All activities must be completed within 12 months.
5) Application
All applicants must submit their proposals by 11:59 PM Indochina Time (ICT) on 17th November 2024. Proposal received after this time will be rejected. No modification or editing of applications will be accepted after the deadline.