Donor: | Migration Partnership Facility (MPF) |
Application procedure: | Concept Note |
Donor base: | Belgium |
Reference number: | - |
Eligible applicants: | Non-Profit Organisation |
Deadline: | ongoing |
Financial details
Grant size: | Medium - up to $1,000,000 |
Minimum grant size: | 200.000€ |
Total available budget: | 8.000.000€ |
Funding type: | Grants |
Maximum grant size: | - |
Funding ratio: | up to 95% |
- Capacity Building
- Governance & Democracy
- Peace & Conflict Resolution
Project Locations
Cape Verde, Morocco
Azerbaijan, Jordan
Armenia, Belarus, Georgia
1) Objective
STRAND A: ‘Support to the EU’s migration priorities with partner countries’- Projects under Strand A shall promote and support the EU’s migration priorities with partner countries, taking into account the overall level of cooperation on all aspects of migration management, as per the New Pact on Migration and Asylum.
Under AMIF funding framework the following activities are funded:
- Activities seeking to improve partner countries’ policy and legal frameworks for migration and mobility without any actual mobility dimension to be funded;
- Activities seeking to strengthen information, outreach and protection of migrants;
Review and development of legislation, policy documents/strategies, action plans, policy tools and instruments, standard operating procedures linked to migration management; - Capacity-building of partner country authorities in legal migration management (including migration monitoring);
- Capacity-building of partner country authorities related to readmission as well as reintegration of migrants illegally staying in the EU;
- Activities seeking to strengthen practices and policies on migrants’ contributions to national development;
- Activities seeking to strengthen partner countries’ policy and legal frameworks as well as capacity-building on asylum policy and protection in line with international standards;
- Migration dialogue at EU level with relevant partner countries
2) Eligibility
Eligibility is limited to: A public body of an EU member state (at central, regional or local levels); An EU member state-based organisation; or An international organisation (IO).
3) Location
Applications shall primarily target countries that have a Mobility Partnership (MP), Common Agreement on Migration and Mobility (CAMM) or other cooperation frameworks in place. Nine Mobility Partnerships have been signed so far with Cape Verde, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Morocco, Azerbaijan, Jordan and Belarus.
4) Budget
Total available funding is €8,000,000. Grants may range up to €200,000. With AMIF or ISF Borders and Visa funds, the MPF may finance up to 95% of the total eligible cost. The balance must be financed from other sources. In-kind contributions shall also be accepted as co-financing.
5) Application
This is a rolling Call for Proposals with an open deadline. Applicants may propose projects (i.e. submit a Concept Note) at any time. The first step is to submit a Concept Note online. Only if the Concept Note is approved, you will be invited to submit a Full Application.