Donor: | Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) |
Application procedure: | Concept Note, Full Proposal |
Donor base: | Switzerland |
Reference number: | - |
Eligible applicants: | Non-Profit Organisation |
Deadline: | ongoing |
Financial details
Grant size: | Medium - up to $1,000,000 |
Minimum grant size: | 10.000$ |
Total available budget: | - |
Funding type: | Grants |
Maximum grant size: | 200.000$ |
Funding ratio: | up to 100% |
- Arts & Culture
- Economic Development
- Governance & Democracy
- Health
- Social Inclusion
Project Locations
Bosnia and Herzegovina
1) Objective
The Swiss Embassy offers financial support to small-scale initiatives by organizations registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina that can contribute to achieving the results outlined in the Swiss Cooperation Programme 2021–24. The current Programme focuses primarily on the following priority areas:
- Local governance and municipal services
- Economic development and employment
- Health
- Migration
- Arts and culture
Projects must:
• directly and demonstrably contribute to at least one of the Swiss Portfolio outcomes under the Swiss Cooperation Programme 2021-2024 or the intervention areas of the Swiss Migration Strategic Framework for the Western Balkans.
• be developed in a participatory way and reflect a clear need among the selected target beneficiaries;
• provide quality information and describe the feasibility of proposed activities in the application (applicant’s understanding of the problem to be addressed by the project, general description of the activities and the results to be achieved);
• take into account the sustainability of results.
2) Eligibility
The partner organisation must: have an adequate organisational structure and a sound financial record; provide information about selected reference projects implemented over the past five years and indicate whether (and for what purpose) the organisations has received funds from the Swiss Government; demonstrate that they have the knowledge and capacities to conduct the proposed activities.
3) Location
Actions must take place in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
4) Budget
Grants may range from CHF10,000 to CHF200,000 represented as the equivalent in BAM, using the exchange rate at the time of
the project proposal submission. Applications will be carefully reviewed taking into account the cost benefit/effectiveness of proposed activities and budget, and the capacities of the applicant.
5) Application
Interested applicants must submit a concept note (using the form on their website) to the sarajevo.smallactions(a)eda.admin.ch address. If successful, a full proposal must be submitted. There are no deadlines.