
Donor: UNHCR
Application procedure: Concept Note
Donor base: United States
Reference number: -
Eligible applicants: Non-Profit Organisation
Deadline: 29.01.2021

Financial details

Grant size: Medium - up to $1,000,000
Minimum grant size: -
Total available budget: -
Funding type: Grants
Maximum grant size: -
Funding ratio: up to 100%


  • Children & Youth
  • Human Rights
  • Humanitarian Aid
  • Women & Gender

Project Locations

  1. America



1) Objective

The Objectives are:

Objective 1: Access to MHPSS for undocumented GBV survivors and children in need of protection is improved
Expected outcome/major activities:
• Provision of individual specialized MHPSS and case management services, for undocumented GBV survivors and children in need of protection, through around 80 consultations (several consultations per persons included) per month. Several consultations per person each month are foreseen. Amidst COVID-19 restrictions, services are anticipated to take place both in-person as well as remotely
• Leadership in inter-agency GBV and child protection case management coordination, building a referral mechanism as well as capacity building of operational partners in safe and dignified referrals
• Facilitation of support group sessions for GBV survivors and women at high risk
• Strengthening and support to community-based mental health initiatives

Objective 2: Access to safe shelter for undocumented GBV survivors and children is improved
Expected outcome/major activities:
• Provision of emergency and mid-term shelter for undocumented GBV survivors with a capacity of 12-15 persons, including children of survivors
• Provision of case management services for GBV survivors hosted in the shelter, including establishment of effective referral mechanisms to medical, MHPSS and legal assistance services
• Provision of support with accessing durable solutions for GBV survivors hosted in the shelter

2) Eligibility

UNHCR Multi-Country Office Panama invites all potential local, regional or international non-profit organizations, to apply for this Call for Expression of Interest.

3) Location

Actions must take place in Panama.

4) Budget

The grant size is not mentioned.

5) Application

All concept notes must be submitted on or before 29 January 2021. The application guidelines and templates can be downloaded from their website.

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