
Donor: International Development Enterprises (iDE)
Application procedure: Online Application
Donor base: United States
Reference number: -
Eligible applicants: Social Business
Deadline: ongoing

Financial details

Grant size: Medium - up to $1,000,000
Minimum grant size: -
Total available budget: -
Funding type: Equity, Grants
Maximum grant size: -
Funding ratio: Co-funding preferred


  • Agriculture & Rural Development
  • Climate Change
  • Economic Development
  • Education
  • Food Security
  • Health
  • Other
  • Water & Sanitation
  • Women & Gender

Project Locations

  1. Africa

      Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mozambique, Zambia

  2. America

      Honduras, Nicaragua

  3. Asia

      Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, Vietnam


1) Objective

International Development Enterprises (iDE) was founded in 1982 as a global force for change based on the power of business to solve poverty. iDE is a global effort that spans offices in 14 countries, encompassing four social enterprises, aimed at directly and indirectly enabling many more efforts through its market-based approaches in agriculture, water, sanitation and health, and finance. iDE aims to create income and livelihood opportunities for poor, rural households.

Their support includes: access to market information (market analysis), designing and executing business strategies, value chain development, creating new financially viable enterprises that are dedicated to clear social, environmental, and poverty reduction goals.

2) Eligibility

Social business organisations that share the same mission as iDE are eligible to apply.

3) Location

Funding is provided to projects implemented in Africa (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, and Zambia), Asia (Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal and Vietnam), and Central America (Honduras and Nicaragua).

4) Budget

No standard funding amount is set. The amount of assistance is decided based on the details of the project and the project budget plan.

5) Application

To become a partner interested organisations are required to fill out a form on their website. There are no deadlines.

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