
Donor: Enabel
Application procedure: Full Proposal
Donor base: Belgium
Reference number: PSE22002-10014
Eligible applicants: Non-Profit Organisation
Deadline: 07.07.2024

Financial details

Grant size: Medium - up to $1,000,000
Minimum grant size: -
Total available budget: 198.000€
Funding type: Grants
Maximum grant size: 198.000€
Funding ratio: Co-funding required


  • Capacity Building
  • Children & Youth
  • Human Rights

Project Locations

  1. Asia

      West Bank and Gaza


1) Objective

The general objective of this call for proposals is to contribute to the protection of vulnerable boys and girls, young women and men, and their caregivers against human rights violations and empower them to claim their rights. The specific objective of this call for proposals is: Strengthened role of Palestinian youth as social actors for positive change in youth human rights protection within their communities.

The achievements will be measured by at least the following indicators:
1. The percentage of change in awareness by young people including university students regarding advocacy skills and human rights protection mechanisms.
2. The number of civic engagement initiatives2 led by youth inside and outside campus.
3. The number of human rights complaints documented and raised to Palestinian duty bearers by young people. The number of human rights complaints processed by the Palestinian duty bearers.

The expected results of this call for proposals include the following:
• Improved awareness of youth human rights among young people including university students and their local communities.
• Enhanced awareness and practice of advocacy tools and activities related to youth human rights among university students and their local communities.
• Increased knowledge and practice of accountability towards the Palestinian duty bearers by university students.
• Strengthened youth civic engagement and participation on issues related to their human rights identified by them, in universities and their local communities.

2) Eligibility

Eligible applicants must be non-profit private entity or a foundation.

3) Location

Funding will cover the West Bank including East-Jerusalem.

4) Budget

The total indicative amount available under this Call for Proposals is 198,000 EUR (One hundred Ninety-Eight thousand Euros). The contracting authority reserves the right not to award all of the available funds. Any grant application under this Call for Proposals must utilize the full amount of the call.

5) Application

The deadline for submission of proposals is 15:00 on 07 July 2024 as evidenced by the date of dispatch, the postmark or the date of the acknowledgment of receipt. Any proposal submitted after the deadline will be rejected.

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