
Donor base: Brazil
Application procedure: Full Proposal
Eligible applicants: Non-Profit Organisation
Annual number of calls: Up to 10

Financial details

Donor size: Small - up to $500,000
Funding instruments: Grants
Annual funding volume: Up to $500,000
Funding ratio: up to 100%


  • Capacity Building
  • Education
  • Governance & Democracy
  • Human Rights
  • Social Inclusion
  • Women & Gender

Project Locations

  1. America



1) About

The Brazil Human Rights Fund was established in 2006 with the main objective to raise and donate funds for the defense of human rights in Brazil. To that end, the Fund’s mission is to promote respect for human rights in Brazil, building innovative and sustainable mechanisms to channel resources to strengthen civil society organisations and to develop philanthropy for social justice. The Fund was created by activists and scholars and received a financial contribution from Ford Foundation, through the constitution of an endowment of $3 million.

2) Thematic Interest

  • Human rights support in Brazil
  • Support of civil society organisations
  • Social justice, anti-violence and discrimination

3) Focus Countries

Their funding goes to projects and initiatives in Brazil.

4) Application Procedure

They have an annual call for proposals in support of small projects fighting institutional violence and discrimination. Up to R$ 40,000 are granted to these initiatives. The projects go through an extensive and rigorous selection process that includes selection committees composed of experts that are not related with the foundation in any way. In addition, they also have other specific calls for proposals. They also have an emergency support fund as well as provide funding for capacity building measures. Their annual funding volume is around $350,000 and app. 30 grants are given to local civil society organisations. Individual grant sizes are in the range between $8,000 and $12,000 per project.

5) Contact

Brazil Human Rights Fund
Rua Capitão Antônio Rosa, 376 – 13º andar
Jardim Paulistano
CEP: 01443-010
São Paulo-SP

E: informacoes(a)fundobrasil.org.br

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