
Donor: Japanese Embassy Malaysia
Application procedure: Full Proposal
Donor base: Japan
Reference number: -
Eligible applicants: Non-Profit Organisation
Deadline: 30.06.2022

Financial details

Grant size: Small - up to $100,000
Minimum grant size: -
Total available budget: -
Funding type: Grants
Maximum grant size: 90.000$
Funding ratio: up to 100%


  • Agriculture & Rural Development
  • Education
  • Environment & Natural Resources
  • Health
  • Social Inclusion

Project Locations

  1. Asia



1) Objective

The Japanese Government offers small scale grants for development projects in order to meet the diverse needs of the vulnerable communities and people. “Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP)” supports projects proposed by various organizations such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and municipalities. The goal of GGP is to improve the livelihood of socially and economically vulnerable people. The Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Program (GGP) was established to assist NGOs and local public authorities to implement small-scale projects directly benefiting the people at grassroots level as well as contributing to the socio-economic development.

The GGP aims to meet the basic human needs of socially and economically vulnerable people and to improve the livelihoods of deprived communities at the grass-roots levels. GGP can cover the cost of rehabilitation of facilities (school, health care center, water networks etc.) and provision of essential equipment. GGP projects may include training in use of donated equipment or capacity building for stakeholders, which are essential to the process of achieving the goal of the GGP project. The priority areas are: primary health care, primary education, poverty relief, public welfare, and environment.

2) Eligibility

Eligible are: (1) international and local nongovernmental organisations (NGOs); (2) local public authorities; (3) educational institutions such as primary and junior high schools; (4) hospitals and medical institutions. Governmental and international organisations are not eligible for the GGP in principle (except for measures against conflict and disaster). Individuals and profit organisations are also not eligible for the GGP.

3) Location

Actions must take place in Malaysia.

4) Budget

The grant amount per project does not exceed 10 million JPY (approximately $90,000). The exact amount of the funding in US dollars varies depending on the exchange rate from yen to US dollars in each fiscal year (starting April of every year). Also, demining projects have a different funding scheme, which goes beyond the maximum amount of the GGP grant.

5) Application

Applications must arrive in the Embassy of Japan by no later than 30 June 2022. The application templates can be downloaded from their website.

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